Five months is pretty good time considering I had knee surgery 4/29, can only sew for short periods and still have to keep my knee up, I work full time, and I was finishing up the reorganization of all my scrapbook supplies during the same time period.
The pattern was designed to be a lap quilt but I can never seem to sew anything small - the lap quilt had 9 dark blocks, 4 light blocks, 8 half blocks and 4 corner blocks. My queen size quilt has 30 dark blocks, 20 light blocks, 18 half blocks and 4 corner blocks.
I still have to cut all four sides even and then trim all the threads and press 2 seams open along with pressing the whole top again. I have the material for the backing and just have to sew it together and piece together some batting so it will be ready to go to my quilter Sue Lohse. I haven't talked to her since February 2012 so I hope she is still quilting. I just can't do any quilting - even a table runner hurts by left arm - and the nerve spasms in my left hand make it impossible. Lesson Learned - Do Not Trip on a Sidewalk.